Category: Uncategorized

  • MLA Handbook Case Study

    MLA Handbook Role: Visual Design Overview The eighth edition of the MLA Handbook takes a ground-breaking approach to academic style and simplifies the process of creating works-cited lists. To highlight the importance of this volume, I created a dynamic and engaging visual system to encompass the cover and interior of the book, marketing materials, and…

  • Chicago Mobile Program Case Study

    Chicago Convention Mobile Program Role: User Experience, Visual Design Overview This mobile site was created to help the attendees of the MLA convention in Chicago access the list of sessions, general information about the convention, and maps of the meeting rooms and exhibit hall. I worked closely with a developer at the MLA to make…

  • ADE ADFL Websites Case Study

    ADE and ADFL Websites Role: User Interface and Visual Design Overview I redesigned the Association of Departments of English and the Association of Departments of Foreign Language websites in conjunction with the MLA site. The goal was to have a clean, easy to navigate, and fully responsive template that coordinates with the MLA site and…

  • Music Festival Website Case Study

    The Louis Armstrong International Music Festival Website Role: Branding, Web Design, and Social Media Integration Overview I worked with a team of two wonderful designers to develop the branding and marketing materials for a music festival in Queens sponsored by the Kupferberg Center for the Arts. The materials we designed included the logo, website, postcards,…

  • Vancouver Materials Case Study

    Vancouver Convention Promotional Materials Role: Branding, Visual Design, and Motion Graphics Overview The MLA Annual Convention is the the largest professional convention in the humanities of over 7,000 attendees. For each event I develop a logo and branding system which is then applied to numerous materials including postcards, brochures, e-mail campaigns, wayfinding signage, a mobile…

  • LRG Website Case Study

    Literary Research Guide Website Role: Branding and Web Design Overview After many years and five editions as a best-selling printed resource, the sixth edition of this classic title was published exclusively online in 2014. My goal in designing the online resource was to honor the printed book’s history while making it fresh and easy to…